Welcome to my blog

Thank you for coming to my blog! If there is anything you
don't like please comment on any post.I will try to get back
to you soon! Thank you,Marlon

Monday, December 30, 2013

Bye everybody.

Hello everyone. This will be my last official post on this blog. If you all would like to see my stuff, look me up on google plus. My name is Marlon Neveu in there. I'm getting a bit emotional now. *starts crying*. I LOVED THIS BLOG!! I loved it. But, now I must move on to greater hights. On my google + page, I do post survivalcraft videos. Something that you have all wanted. Umm... Happy thanksgiving!! Merry Chrismas! Happy New Year. I will see you all in 1214, I guess. (On my google + page) So, I guess this is good bye. THANKS= A Ballet Dancer. She inspired me to make a blog. THANKS google. For making this great program for younge kids to learn what the word "social" means. THANKS to my parents. For letting me get a blog, and have fun with it. GOOD BYE EVERYBODY!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013




Hello, everyone. I have noticed that I have had many views lately, but not that many comments... At all... Thanks to A Ballet Dancer there are some comments, but I would like more. Because I look at the SC (Survivalcraft) blog (which is a wordpress blog) and it has sooooo many comments. Yet I have 0. Not cool. So just to let ya'll know if you want you can comment. Fine by me. If you have something to say but don't know how to say it, (such as you don't have a google account) you can still comment on my blog. By selecting a post (such as this one if you wish) then scrolling down and write your comment. Then click publish. Then a error message will pop up saying you haven't chosen an account to use. THEN look at the list of accounts you can have to allow you to comment. If you have one of those, then that's just great. Use that one. BUT if you don't have any of those accounts, just click the LAST suggestion. It's called Anonymous. Just click that one, then you don't have to do anything, besides click publish. And I'll do the rest. (-_-)  Thank you all very much. And in the meantime I have some news on my videos. I haven't gotten a YouTube channel, yet. BUT my b-day is right around the corner. So you never know. (THAT'S A BIRTHDAY IDEA FOR YOU MOM AND DAD!!!!) Anyways if your not my mom or dad ignore that. Anyways if I get a YouTube cannel that means that I could post my SC videos and Hydro Thunder Hurricane videos and all that. Sorry for the "video" in my post. (that post was 2 posts ago not including this post) If you want some HTH (Hydro thunder hurricane) videos then here are the link to some.


That's the link. It goes to google where there are some videos. Enjoy them!! BYE EVERYONE!!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sorry for not posting, and news.

Sorry everybody for not posting in a while. I was very busy. I hope your all doing well, and I am deleting the Survivalcaft Episodes page because there's nothing on it. Late someone in my fam got a HP Split X2 computer. It rocks!! In fact I making this post from it. (-_-) (I thought up that one) In the meantime there was a update to SC (survivalcaft). Version 1.22. I will be posting things about SC updates when they come out. Version 1.22 really brings some BIG improvements.
1. Added farming and bread
2. Added Islands
3. Added new animals- zebras. loins, ostrichs, rhinos, orcas, and a ton more
4. Added boats
About 20 more lines. Well, I gtg. Hope this brings some happiness to some peeps. See U later!!


Monday, August 12, 2013

   Here's  a video of the game I told you all about. I will post some more videos in the Videos page of my blog. Thanks and please like!

Ouch... And News.

Ok. So my dad had to dig out TWO ingrone toe nails for me. It hurt.  On the bright side I got this new game called Hydro Thunder Hurricane. It's a really awesome boat game for the computer. And I probably will be posting videos of it. If I do it will be surely awesome. I still don't have a YouTube account, but I might get one soon. (-_-)  
EDIT... I will let you know of further updates.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Very very sad news...

I am very sorry to say that there will be no Survivalcraft episode. I am very sorry. Now! I might be doing some kind of other episodes. So keep watch for a new post.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Nintendo Wii U

I recommened you get one. They're very awesome!! I'm writing this post from my Wii U.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I just added some new videos on the videos page. I was inspired by a friend to add them.

Survivalcraft episode

Okey. So I made the first Survivalcraft episode. But blogger is being a pain. So it might not be up there for a while, but I'll try!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

More Survivalcraft photos and Survivalcraft Episodes

Here's the more Survivalcraft photos.


On the Survivalcraft Episodes side I have been REALLY busy and I get you know what that's like... So the Survivalcraft Episodes are very sadly getting pushed back later. I don't have any idea when the first on will be out, so just keep checking on my blog and subscribe on the email thing if you don't want to check my blog every day. I will definitely make a post the first I do after the episode is there!

Friday, May 3, 2013

More Survivalcraft Photos

Sorry about no episodes yet, guys. I've been really bus lately. Here are some more Survivalcraft photos.  


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Survivalcraft Photos

Here are some photos of Survivalcraft to sweeten the wait for the next 4 days!!


Good News On Survivalcraft Episodes!

Good news everybody! I plan to have at least one Survivalcraft episode in the new page in the next four days! Hope you all are excited about them. I'm planning to upload at least one a week. If not maybe more. The Survivalcraft logo is the photo at the top the this post. Well, got to run! Hope you're all excited about the episodes and tell me in comments what you want to see me build! Thanks a ton!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Page: Game Episodes

Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. But I have some good news! There will be a new page coming soon! (on the top of the screen with the other pages) It will be titled Game Episodes! In it I will have videos of me playing this game called Survivalcraft. If everything goes the way I plan, it will be awesome!!! Survivalcraft is almost like Minecraft, but a lot different in some ways. First of all there's no Nether Land, which means NO teleport, which means NO redstone. But its still awesome. There are also no creepers, zombies, and spiders which is nice. There are gray wolves, cows, pigs, bulls, horses, camels, and kangaroos!! You can ride camels and horses. Any way I have to be moving on. I'll be making episode of me playing it and please tell me in comments what you want to see me build. Um.... There might not be any episode for a while. I'll need to get better then I am now, so I don't look like a no brain. So hope you enjoy the episodes and I'll post them as soon as I can!! Oh!! Before I forget please comment saying what you would like me to build. Thanks EVERYBODY!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Information About My Blog: Updates

Hey everybody! If you didn't notice I have added some new pages. It says them on the top of all of these posts. They will all be up and have stuff on them in less than 1 month! I know that seems sooooo long, but it'll be the best. I hope to get it in before 1 month. If not I am teribbly sorry. I hope you like the pages. I thank you!


Hey! I am happy to see that some poeple have.......... wait. Make that A LOT of poeple on my blog. Don't think I don't like you on my blog. I'm fine with it.I would like it if you did subscribe to my e-mail gadget (top right on the page). If you have I would be very pleased if you could comment on this post. That way I know if you subscribed. Thanks. I will be very happy if I got a lot of comments. I thank you.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Hey everybody who likes my blog! I hope to make more posts soon using Windows 8! Windows 8 is a new version of computing. It has upgrade speed, looks cool, and easy to use! You can type all kinds of smiley faces: 😃😝😠⛅🌀➕➗✖✅❗❓ and a lot more! It has a friendly user interface, and very kid friendly. Microsft (the poeple who made Windows 8) had a big update for Windows 8. They changed the messanger app, to Skype. Please comment on this post and add your Skype name to it (if you have a account). Thank you very much. If you do have a Skype account, I'll add you as my contact. Thank you very much. Windows 8 is nice to use and see every day! I recommend this product very high. In fact I'd give it five stars! Thank you Microsoft for making this product. I'm sure a lot of people will like this product.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Rainbow Loom!

These are some of the bracelets that you can make from Rainbow Loom. You can get Rainbow Loom at Learning Express of Brilliant Sky. Please enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

David Price!

David Price (a pitcher of the Tampa Bay Rays) has won the Cy Young
Award! Only two pitchers of both leagues wins it once a year. David
Price won it out of 14 teams in one league. Each team has about maybe
at least 10 pitchers per team! That's a great big honor for him.