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to you soon! Thank you,Marlon

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Hello, everyone. I have noticed that I have had many views lately, but not that many comments... At all... Thanks to A Ballet Dancer there are some comments, but I would like more. Because I look at the SC (Survivalcraft) blog (which is a wordpress blog) and it has sooooo many comments. Yet I have 0. Not cool. So just to let ya'll know if you want you can comment. Fine by me. If you have something to say but don't know how to say it, (such as you don't have a google account) you can still comment on my blog. By selecting a post (such as this one if you wish) then scrolling down and write your comment. Then click publish. Then a error message will pop up saying you haven't chosen an account to use. THEN look at the list of accounts you can have to allow you to comment. If you have one of those, then that's just great. Use that one. BUT if you don't have any of those accounts, just click the LAST suggestion. It's called Anonymous. Just click that one, then you don't have to do anything, besides click publish. And I'll do the rest. (-_-)  Thank you all very much. And in the meantime I have some news on my videos. I haven't gotten a YouTube channel, yet. BUT my b-day is right around the corner. So you never know. (THAT'S A BIRTHDAY IDEA FOR YOU MOM AND DAD!!!!) Anyways if your not my mom or dad ignore that. Anyways if I get a YouTube cannel that means that I could post my SC videos and Hydro Thunder Hurricane videos and all that. Sorry for the "video" in my post. (that post was 2 posts ago not including this post) If you want some HTH (Hydro thunder hurricane) videos then here are the link to some.


That's the link. It goes to google where there are some videos. Enjoy them!! BYE EVERYONE!!!!

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