Welcome to my blog

Thank you for coming to my blog! If there is anything you
don't like please comment on any post.I will try to get back
to you soon! Thank you,Marlon

Friday, May 10, 2013

More Survivalcraft photos and Survivalcraft Episodes

Here's the more Survivalcraft photos.


On the Survivalcraft Episodes side I have been REALLY busy and I get you know what that's like... So the Survivalcraft Episodes are very sadly getting pushed back later. I don't have any idea when the first on will be out, so just keep checking on my blog and subscribe on the email thing if you don't want to check my blog every day. I will definitely make a post the first I do after the episode is there!

Friday, May 3, 2013

More Survivalcraft Photos

Sorry about no episodes yet, guys. I've been really bus lately. Here are some more Survivalcraft photos.  


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Survivalcraft Photos

Here are some photos of Survivalcraft to sweeten the wait for the next 4 days!!


Good News On Survivalcraft Episodes!

Good news everybody! I plan to have at least one Survivalcraft episode in the new page in the next four days! Hope you all are excited about them. I'm planning to upload at least one a week. If not maybe more. The Survivalcraft logo is the photo at the top the this post. Well, got to run! Hope you're all excited about the episodes and tell me in comments what you want to see me build! Thanks a ton!